New Images!

I’ve been rather behind with shooting the past month or so, but I’m even further behind on developing. So I’ve added an assortment of images from 3 rolls of film. They span quite a time frame.

Mysterious and long forgotten rolls of film are almost always my favorite though! Anywho, here’s a selection of tasty images for your enjoyment. All of the new uploads can be found on my Color Film and Black and White film pages.


Palm Springs

In January I spent 10 days in Palm Springs, California on business. It was a grueling shoot, but well worth it. Getting out of Nebraska in the dead of winter was super fantastic. Plus, I’ve never been to the west coast.

You can find all of the images Here and Here but I’ve showed off a few choice images below.

On our one day off, a bunch of us took a little trip to Joshua Tree National Park. I was so excited (despite it being like 34 degrees up there) I only got a few useable images from the 2+ rolls because I couldn’t settle down. It was lot’s of fun though.



Here’s my buddy Nic Roewert (Actor, rock climber, artist, business man, neat guy)


Here’s the pool at the estate we were staying/shooting at. Gorgeous, kind of a classic 60’s vibe that seems to run throughout the entire city.


I had a fantastic time shooting in Palm Springs. We spent a lot of time hanging out at the Ace Hotel (Where some of the crew was staying). They have fantastic food and drinks with beautiful rooms, I really recommend the place. I met lots of interesting people and I would gladly go back. I don’t think I’d want to live there, but it’s a very nice place to visit!

Worlds Largest Camera to document vanishing cultures.

This project is blowing my mind. A camera that produces 6′ negatives. That’s crazy enough, then they strapped it to a trailer and are going to crisscross the united states photographing people from cultures that are quickly vanishing in our modern world.

The detail is amazing. The larger than life prints have got to just blow your mind when you see them in person. If only the exhibit were coming anywhere near to my hometown…

The Vanishing Cultures homepage: 

Direct link to the camera info:

Zombies and Metal, what more do you need?

These two rolls of film (Ilford Delta3200 taken with my Mamyia m645) are long over due. For a quick overview see below, or all of the images can be found HERE.

The first image harkes all the way back to mid August (2012) at the Iowa State Fair.

The next few images are from september (2012) at the Kansas City Renaissance Festival.

That smiling character is a chess master kicking my best friends ass while chugging ale from a tiny barrel.

The final images are from the Omaha Zombie Walk and Narcotic Self’s performance at the Zombie Ball afterwards. (I didn’t end up staying for the Zombikini contest, and I hear I should have)

I love getting rolls of film developed months after they’ve been shot. It gives me a really fresh perspective on the images almost like I didn’t even take them. It’s photography Christmas!

Concert photos on film = Success!

I made my first attempt at shooting a concert on film at the Fumescrew (Pronounced Foo-Me-Screw) concert which was held at The Slowdown on 8-2-2012. I used my Mamyia m645 with Ilford Delta 3200, and I must say, I’m quite pleased!

I went through two rolls of 120 (15 images per) and I got 16 that I liked enough to make it to my site, I’d say that’s a pretty high return! Check out those images in full here.


In other news, I did finish a project finally! I made a tilt-shift lens from assorted parts I had laying about my home. I’ll get a post about that up as soon as I have a chance to test out the monstrosity!

– evan

Site face lift done, and new videos uploaded

I gave the site a bit of a face lift, a new theme, tweaked the flow here and there, fixed a broken link, and added a new page for my videos and animations. I hope you enjoy the videos, and the fresh new site!

Moving, projects on hold.

I’m in the midst of moving right now, so everything is packed away, and the home made Holgaroid is on hold until I get settled. Another update, is I’ve purchased a Mamiya m645, so I’m looking forward to shooting with that a lot over the summer

– EK

Amazing piece on wet plate photography

This man, Ian Ruhter, makes massive wet plate photographs out of a truck turned camera. Watch the whole thing, it’s well worth it.

This is something I’ve needed to see ‘Why I love Photography’ – Allen Murabayashi

This blogger/lover of photography has really got me thinking. I’ve been one of those people, I rant about hating instagram, and ‘poser’ photographers with their prosumer cannons, and no professional training. I’ve thought to myself, ‘only Film photography could be considered art’. That thought has actually crossed my mind and that is wrong. These people are just being true to photography, true to their passion, true to what they love. Every once in awhile, I really need a good slap across the face to remind me to quit being so damn judgmental of everyone else, and do what I love. (Unless I become an art critic, then I’ll get paid to be judgmental.)

Link to the awesome rant


The Website is up and Running!

Welcome, welcome! My name is Evan Korf, I’m a photographer/visual artist working in and around the Omaha Area. I built this website so that I could have a place that was all my own to showcase my work and to give any prospective clients. This is the result of many months of hard work, so I want it to be awesome. If you see anything wrong, or have any feed back please, feel free to drop me a line!


This main page is where you’ll find all the latest news including any and all up coming events/shows.